Sponsorships - Peter Boronkay
Peter Boronkay - Elite Paratriathlete
HU Elite Paratriathlete
3 distance, 3 world titles
2009 Olympic distance Gold Coast
2010 Sprint distance Budapest
2021 Long/IM distance Almere
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Why do you passionate about cycling?
Most fulfilling riding experience?
First one when I enter the Swiss Ironman. The other was when I was able to compete on the Formula 1 track in Abu Dhabi last year. It was an uplifting feeling, I'm glad I was able to experience it. What is the biggest challenge to keeping cycling?The para-cycling national championships are organized Hungaroring Formula 1 track every year. I really like this race, that we can ride on such a high-quality closed course. On the same weekend, there is a 24-hour race in the same place, which can be completed in a team or individually. Maybe one day I will do it individually ?Most fulfilling riding experience?
Making cycling sport popular and introducing it to as many people as possible, and promoting cycling and a healthy lifestyle. For example, It was an excellent opportunity, when I’m working for the Giro d’Italia Big Start in schools along the Hungarian route. And of course, setting an example for my sons and young people.